We are collecting donations for The Family’s annual ‘Help for the Homeless’ hygiene drive. Purchase new, unused hygiene and cleaning supplies and drop them off at either branch before March 16th.
Most urgent needs include:
We sponsor a variety of events in the area that align
with our core values and mission. Check back here for
our upcoming events and other important dates.
We are collecting donations for The Family’s annual ‘Help for the Homeless’ hygiene drive. Purchase new, unused hygiene and cleaning supplies and drop them off at either branch before March 16th.
Most urgent needs include:
Join us for a FREE event to better understand recycling and your curbside bin. This event is open to members and non-members.
Kelly Reyer is the Education & Outreach Specialist with Winnebago County Solid Waste Management. Her education and experience in the environmental field has fueled her passion for resource conservation and she appreciates the opportunity to encourage proper material disposal and teaching best recycling practices. Her presentation will share what CAN and CAN’T be recycled in curbside bins, along with recycling tips and tricks, how our local recycling facility operates, and why we hate the ugly eight.
Facebook EventOur Annual Meeting will be Tuesday, April 15th at 6:00pm in the lobby of our Neenah Branch (1500 W American Drive). Enjoy refreshments and giveaways as we review the 2024 annual report and elect board members. RSVPs are highly encouraged but not required. You must be a member of Evergreen Credit Union to attend.
Doors open at 5:30pm for conversation.
Registration: https://fwwa.org/what-we-do/trash-free-waters/cleanup/
Evergreen Credit Union is a proud Silver sponsor of the 13th annual Watershed Cleanup. Join us and over 1,600 volunteers to clean up trash and debris from Green Bay to Fond du Lac. Registration opens in February.